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Notes on Contributors vii
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction to the Handbook 1
1 The History of English for Specific Purposes Research 5
Ann M. Johns
Part I ESP and Language Skills 31
2 ESP and Speaking 35, Christine B. Feak
3 ESP and Listening 55, Christine C. M. Goh
4 ESP and Reading 77
Alan Hirvela
5 ESP and Writing 95
Ken Hyland
6 Vocabulary and ESP 115
Averil Coxhead
Part II Areas of ESP Research 133
7 English for Academic Purposes 137
Maggie Charles
8 English for Science and Technology 155
Jean Parkinson
9 English in the Workplace 175
Meredith Marra
10 Business English 193
Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini and Zuocheng Zhang
11 Legal English 213
Jill Northcott
12 Aviation English 227
vi Contents
13 English for Medical Purposes 243
Gibson Ferguson
14 English for Nursing 263
Susan Bosher
15 Thesis and Dissertation Writing 283
Paul Thompson
16 English for Research Publication Purposes 301
John Flowerdew
Part III ESP and Pedagogy 323
17 Needs Analysis and Curriculum Development in ESP 325
Lynne Flowerdew
18 Genre and English for Specifi c Purposes 347
Brian Paltridge
19 ESP and Assessment 367
Dan Douglas
20 Technology and ESP 385
Joel Bloch
Part IV Research Perspectives and Methodologies in ESP Research 403
21 ESP and Corpus Studies 407
Hilary Nesi
22 ESP and Intercultural Rhetoric 427
Ulla Connor And William Rozycki
23 English for Specifi c Purposes and English as a Lingua Franca 445
Catherine Nickerson
24 Critical Perspectives on ESP 461
Sue Starfi eld
25 Gender and Race in ESP Research 481
Ryuko Kubota And Liz T. Chiang
26 Ethnographic Approaches to ESP Research 501
Dacia Dressen-Hammouda
27 Multimodality and ESP Research 519
Paul Prior
Conclusion to the Handbook
28 The Future of ESP Research: Resources for Acce
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