Where Are The Just? A sermon preached by Nwaiwu Fortune (Rev.)
By Fortune Books and Library   |  18th September, 2019
SERMON 1. WHERE ARE THE JUST? A Sermon Preached on Sunday 16/12/2018 “Run up and down every street in Jerusalem,” says the LORD. “Look high and low; search throughout the city if you can find even o...
By Fortune Books and Library   |  18th September, 2019
This is a great Bible study guide that explains the historical records of the minor prophets in the Old Testament.
Tragic Errors of the Christians: A Reflection on the Dangers of Spiritual Lapses by Fortune Nwaiwu
By Fortune Books and Library   |  14th September, 2019
PREFACE The author, F.E.C. Nwaiwu reviews the Seven Churches in Asia Minor and finds out that all the churches have lapsed to spiritual crisis except the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. The ch...

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